Consultation Trademark Intake Form
Are you currently in business?
What is your email address?
What is the name of your business entity?
Will you use any other names associated with your business?
What are the other names?
Who or what will own the trademark?
What is your legal name?
Are you a citizen of the United States of America?
What is the physical address for the business?
Do you own the rights to the proposed brand indicator?
Is your logo or name born from an original idea?
What do you currently offer for sale?
Have you applied for a trademark before?
What are the serial numbers for the prior filed application?
What was the reason for denial or cancellation?
The trademark process can take, on average, a year, unless there is a prior filed application. Do you intend to offer for sale any additional items within this time? What are they?
Do you want to apply for a word, design mark, or both?
Are there any secondary meanings or foreign translations to your mark?
What is the secondary meaning or foreign translation, if any?
How are you currently using the mark?
How long have you used your mark as a source indicator?
When was the first time you began using your mark for any purpose?
Do you have a website or social media link you would like to share?
When would you like to get started?
Please upload your proposed logo. If you do not have a logo and only want to file a trademark registration for the words only, please upload a Word or Google document with the exact spelling of your mark.
Click to choose file(s) or drag here
Size limit: 25MB per file
Have you read the terms and conditions of the initial consultation?