PCDN Free Career Chats


We know times are tough and likely to get tougher for many in the impact sector, particularly those in humanitarian development and international relief.

As we've done in the past (during Covid we held many free impact career chats), + two Global Impact Career Popups with hundreds of participants, we are on season 14 of our Social Change Career Podcast we are going to host a number of free career office hours/chats.

To participate please fill out the form below.

The chats will be held off the record, not recorded and we willl discuss strategies for landing your next role, tons of resources and job platforms (beyond the usual suspects), have open questions and discussion and more.

No one has all the answers in this crazy time working together we can all hopefully help a bit and share our resources, ideas and frustrations.

The first session will be held on February 6th at 10 am on Butter (the platform works best on Chrome and there are also Android/IOS apps if you want to join from your mobile devices). We will likely schedule a few more sessions over the coming months.

We will send an email with the link for this session and future ones to those who register and fill out the full form (we ask this to avoid spam).


the PCDN Team

We will never share your email with anyone else.
Write a brief description about yourself.

If you check yes we will add you to our newsletter(s).

You can unsubscribe at anytime. These newsletters are awesome and we human curate a sample of the world's best impact job, funding, upskilling opps, career tips, and more.