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High Consciousness Coaching - Registration Form

Attention: Please Read

Welcome! I understand the purpose that brings you here. The good news is that I’m here to guide you on a personalized journey through 1:1 coaching, which has the potential to significantly transform your trading trajectory.

Due to time constraints, I am selective in choosing participants to ensure that the time invested yields meaningful results. My coaching has a 100% satisfaction rate. Clients always succeed in solving their toughest issues, and I aim to maintain that record. To increase your chances of being selected, I recommend dedicating sufficient time to provide detailed responses to each question.

Submitting brief, one-line answers will greatly reduce your chances of being considered, given the competitive nature of the selection process. It’s crucial to approach this opportunity with genuine dedication and provide comprehensive details. Some questions may seem simple, like “what is a candle”. These questions are designed to evaluate your ability to think deeply and elaborate on simple matters. I am committed to working exclusively with individuals who are truly invested in reshaping their trading journey. Laziness will not be tolerated.

Disclaimer: You may encounter questions that seem “intrusive” or “sensitive”. Please answer them honestly. My coaching style is designed to uncover your deepest flaws, and honesty is essential if you want to see results.

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