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Glom Glom! Children’s Festival

Vendor Agreement

Event Date: 13 January 2024

Location: Old Chiang Mai Cultural Center

Duration: 3pm - 9pm

Dear vendor, 

Glom (Chiang Mai’s most active theatre group) is hosting a Children’s Festival on Children’s Day 2024 (13 January 2024) and invites you to join the event as a vendor of product or food. 

Vendors at this event have been curated to reflect the ethos and theme of the event – essentially everything we provide at the event will have some relevance to the theme, children, theatre or entertainment. 

This year’s festival theme is “The Pom Pom People”, with extravagant pom pom characters playing a key role in the event’s theme and performances. All activities and performances at the event will be interactive with a child-majority audience. 

Checkout our snazzy website!

Vendor Details

Glom will charge a flat vendor fee of 1,000 THB for all vendors, which includes:

  • 1x table (120cm in width)
  • 2x chairs
  • Electricity
  • 2x staff tickets

You will also receive 1x Adult ticket and 1x Child ticket that can be used for family or be given away to friends, allowing them to enjoy the event free of charge. 

Set up begins from 10am on 13th January 2024 and teardown will take place the same evening after the event finishes (not before 9pm). Teardown can also take place the morning after if preferred. We ask that vendors do not leave or teardown before the event finishes. You are free to sell any products or food that is suitable for this event, but we do ask that you take care to ensure everything on sale is child-friendly. For example, avoid bamboo sticks or keep portions small for kids and refrain from selling any alcohol (we have our own bar) or narcotics (e.g. cocktails or cannabis products).

The event is a no-phone event so vendors must come equipped with enough cash to manage transactions. QR payment is NOT accepted at this event. The event is a mask-free event and we also ask that vendors refrain from using plastic at all instances. 

We are excited to invite you to this special event, which we plan to be bigger and better than last years’ event at the same location. If you are happy with the details above and wish to join, please sign and date below, as well as outline what you will be serving and what facilities you may require. 

Please check spelling and accuracy, as this will be used for creating a sign

Select all the apply

By signing below you agree to the fees and terms set out in this vendor agreement for the Glom Glom! Children’s Festival 2024 at Old Chiang Mai Cultural Center on the 13th January 2024. 

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